Wednesday 2 May 2012

The challenge of finding the time and the motivation…..

For the last month and a bit I have been extremely busy at work and home and simply have not had the time to take pictures. Today I forced myself to take my camera out as I ran a couple of errands and took a few pictures - no preconceptions, simply for fun. I did not shoot many frames but had the camera ready as I walked (for about an hour.) I am surprised at how relaxing I found this process of simply looking for interesting things to photograph and I have now started to question how truly 'busy' I have been: if I had really wanted to I am sure I could have found time to take some pictures, the problem here is not necessarily lack of time but lack of self motivation. On reflection I now realise it is a set of self imposed barriers I am setting myself that is leading to my inactivity. I have felt tired due to my busy schedule and this has led me to provide myself 101 excuses about why I should not get out and take pictures, chiefly that I am 'not in the mood', in reality I just cannot be bothered. Returning home today and downloading the images, I was shocked to discover I had not picked up my camera for 3 weeks. As I write this I have not even looked through the images I have taken today, and to be honest, their quality or otherwise does not bother me in the least - it is the process and the practice that counts. OCA tutor Clive White discusses on the OCA forums that students should treat photography like 'going to the gym' and practice every day. I can now see the truth in this - my period of inactivity led to a number of hesitations and missed opportunities today when I had the chance to shoot some candid shots in the street. There is no guarantee that the shots I would have taken would have any merit but without pressing the shutter I will never know. If I was more 'practiced' I am sure I would have had the courage to take those shots. The challenge now is to up my game, show more dedication and start to take this much more seriously. 

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